Order Issues/Returns
If for any reason you're not satisfied with your order and wish to get a refund, we can refund you without a hitch. Your satisfaction is our #1 priority and if you're not happy, we are definitely not happy!
If you no longer want the product, you may request for a full refund up to 14 days after the product arrives, but you must first return the item in its original condition and unused. You will have to ship the item back to us at your expense. Once the item has been verified then a full refund will be given. It is recommended you ship your item back using a trackable service so it doesn't get lost.
If you are returning an item, you are required to receive a Return Authorization from us. Please email us with your Order Number (starting with #CS) and the reason for return.
• We do not have any control if your item is held in customs for any reason. Note: We've never encountered this problem.
• We are not responsible for natural disasters or any delays with the shipping company once your order has been shipped.